Friday, December 14, 2012

Blizzard Relieve Mollard of his Duties

Here is the release from the OCN Blizzard:

"Coach James Mollard has been relieved of his duties as Head Coach of the OCN Blizzard. The OCN Blizzard wish James Mollard all the best in his future endeavors. Clay Debray will take over as Interim Coach until the conclusion of the 2012-2013 season"

Here is Derek Fontaine on Mollard's firing.

Fontaine on Mollard Firing by Bradley Karp on Mixcloud


  1. General Manager Derek Fontaine is sure proving himself. Not only finding the best players but dealing with the difficult decisions like letting a coach go. OCN is lucky to have him.

  2. "coach mollard will bring stability to the organization, signing for 3 years"


    1. Whatever the reason is for him being relived of his duties I'm sure the organization only had the best interest of the kids and the club in mind.

    2. 5:23 I find it offensive that you would insinuate that it is anyone's fault, other than Mr. Mollard, that he did not live up to his contractual obligations where kids are concerned. Derek and the Blizzard organization have proven that their main concern is for the team and organization. A hard decision for anyone to make but one that we should support. Go Blizz Go.

    3. He was hired what? 4 months ago? When you make a statement like "he will bring stability to the organization" you're setting yourself up a little bit. Either do a better job hirring or, easier still, don't make the statement. Or, oops.

    4. Wow, you must be the same person who jumps ship when we loose three or four in a row. Try looking on the positive and keep cheering for a team that is doing well. Negative Nellie!

  3. If thrz a problem.....thn fix da prob...!!!! Itz a clear message sent, which applyz 2 every1! Ur either in da wagon wit da team or off da wagon....!!! Get serious blizz.....

  4. Brad, why beat around the bush in your interview? What conrtactual obligations was Mollard not living up to? Judging by the players lack of effort in the last two games against Dauphin and Winkler i'm gonna say he lost the dressing room and for some reason the players did not want to play for him any longer. I think the fans deserve to know a little more if you expect us to continue supporting the team.

    1. Continue supporting the team? They're in first place, with a high content of local players, more so than any other team with a winning record. That should be reason enough. Fontaine answered as much as he was willing, he was not willing to divulge what obligation Mollard failed to meet.

  5. Support the players thrz of em thn a single coach !! Use common sense guy u'll evenually figure it out !!!!

  6. Why is it up to Brad to make astatment on what inspired the Blizz to let Mollard go. I think Brad is doing what he is paid to do and doIng agood job in his broadcasting the home and away games and getting all the info to the fans is expected of him to report. To ask Brad to say what was the reason for for letting the coach go from the post on this subject is probably from one that is not even a blizz supporter and just trying to stir the pot and try to get Brad and all Blizz fans and supporters upset and to react on the goings on what went down on letting the coach go. Forget it to who is trying to do this and in good time Fontaine will let it be known the reason WHY the move. So OCN go out and play your game and get a W in the game against Neeps tonite.

  7. Local content or not the fans deserve to know what was going on. If there was a legitimate reason for letting Mollard go it shouldn
    "t be a problem for the powers that be to let us know what it was.

  8. Agree completely. Common sense would tell us that for the organization to let him go when we are winning, means that it must be something more than loosing the team in the dressing room. Remember this is a business and one which involves minors and young men so good on Derek and PBDC for taking the contract seriously. Let's getter done right tonight boys. OCN OCN

  9. Yupr....well said, real supporters will stand be side Ocn's blizz team !!! So Norm u need 2b patient n use common sense ??!!!! Blizz fan.....go Ocn go !!!!!!!!

  10. Brad, does Derek or PBDC plan to share the reasons Mollard was let go? I don't know what to think about it yet as I know I was very surprised to hear this. Positive communication between the public and the club goes a long way and I know we would all appreciate it. When no real reason is given, it makes it hard to accept. I no doubt believe it was for the best interest of the club, but its us all guessing....

    1. For right now they won't tell me anything more than what was said in the interview.

  11. 257 you might be the only one who doesn't know why. And stop pretending you don't know why Brad. Just say its none of your business or something

  12. Betr yet agent 257 if u really must know.....ask Jim Mollard..!!! Just mayb u can accept it,.....if u hear frm da horse z mouth !!!!.....Ur doin a gud job Brad !!!....Blizz Support Fan
